In New Zealand, we farm the way nature intended, with our cows naturally grazing on pasture. Grass is a natural food source for cows, and New Zealand is one of the few places in the world where cows can graze on grass, year round.
Our Fonterra New Zealand cows consume on average 85 percent of their diet as grass, however the minimum amount of grass in the diet of dairy cows across the Fonterra New Zealand milk pool is 80% as defined in the standard Grass/pasture is classified as grass, grass silage, hay and forage crops.
The standard also has a minimum requirement that cows supplying the Fonterra milk pool spend at least 90 percent of their time outside on pasture.
The Fonterra Grass and Pasture Fed standard assesses and verifies the farming practises across all Fonterra New Zealand farms, focussing on use of supplementary feed and cows’ ability to have access to pasture.
When you see these on-pack claims you can trust that the product has been made using milk certified to our Fonterra Grass and Pasture Fed Standard.
Certification of the milk is provided by AsureQuality, an independent Conformity Assessment Body accredited by JAS-ANZ, against the Fonterra Grass and Pasture Fed Standard.