• Breakfast
  • Fresh Milk
  • Protein+
  • Yoghurt
  • a2

Anchor Feijoa & Apple Overnight Oats

  • Breakfast
  • Fresh Milk
  • Protein+
  • Yoghurt
  • a2
Cocoa Smoothie
5 min
Anchor Feijoa & Apple Overnight Oats

Need a health kick after the festive season? We’ve got you covered. We’ve come up with a rainbow of healthy smoothies to kick off the New Year, so you can look and feel fantastic

To Serve
  1. Overnight Oats: Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Cover and refrigerate overnight. (This will allow the oats to soak up all the liquid and become plump and juicy.)
  2. To Serve: Divide the oat mixture between four bowls. Add a good dollop of our Anchor Protein + Yoghurt and finish with a sprinkling of toasted coconut and almonds.