Future Post are a kiwi start up that is re-purposing our Anchor Milk bottles and other soft plastics into fence posts. Each fence post is made from 220 Anchor milk bottles, and 1700 plastic bags, creating a 1.8m fence post, which lasts up to 50 years!
Trees for Survival is a charitable trust which works with over 150 schools and local communities across New Zealand to grow and plant native trees along waterways and on erosion prone hillsides. Anchor donates used and damaged milk crates to house and grow native plant seedlings for its nature restoration programmes which provide an opportunity for school children to make a practical difference to their environment as well as learn about conservation, revegetation, wetland restoration and protecting stream quality.
We’re excited to share that Aucklanders can now drop their empty Will&Able bottles into collection bins across select Z Energy sites, where they will be collected and reused. Anchor is a proud supporter of this partnership to reuse and recycle plastics.